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Programs and Projects

Community Building -

Women's Circle 

Women in these neighbourhoods often have not completed their junior high school education.(Secondaria) Many have one or two children before they are twenty years old, some have come from the mountains, others from a different city, many are survivors of family violence,  all are trapped in a cycle of poverty. At the same time, they all have talents, skills, strengths to offer to others. CIDC sponsors a Women's Circle twice weekly during the winter months, inviting women to gather for a hot meal lunch for them and their children in the daycare. After lunch, women from the community and volunteers from the US and Canada guide small groups learning sewing, baking, First Aid, holistic based massage, fine needlework, blanket making and anything else the women can offer to each other.

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CIDC recently renovated a room at the La Cosecha Community Centre into a sewing room equipped with sewing machines and supplies. The kitchen also received a second oven to increase the output of delicious cookies and muffins.

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The women build each other up with encouragement, humour and compassion while they learn skills that may eventually help them obtain employment, start a cottage industry, or perhaps form a co-op. The time together builds friendships and special relationship between the women and visiting volunteers.


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